Angel Reiki, Level 1








Angels are both a manifestation of the power of God as well as personifications of that power.

Most angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked. Guardian Angels are always with us, The Archangels take particular interest in humans, and assisting and strengthening them.

The Angel Reiki System is a way to connect to the loving healing power of the angels and with the Reiki Source energy. Angel Reiki can be learned as a stand-alone system, or as an adjunct to regular Usui Reiki.

The Angel Reiki System is a way to connect to the loving healing power of the angels and with the Reiki Source energy.

Angel Reiki came about because the founder become aware that some students had some concerns with the source of Reiki and the idea of having Angels was more palatable for them.

This Angel Reiki attunement, therefore, combines Angels and Reiki.

The Angels are incorporated into the Reiki Attunement, and the Angels are called and requested to assist in the healing.

Angel Reiki has three levels : Level 1 is for self-healing and use with family and friends, Level 2 is Practitioner Level and Level 3 is Master/Teacher level which enables you to attune others to this system. 

This Level 1 course  includes:

  • What is Angel Reiki?
  • The Angels
    • Archangel Gabriel
    • Archangel Raphael
    • Archangel Uriel
    • Archangel Michael
  • Angel Reiki Prayers
  • Your attunement
  • How to Use Angel Reiki
  • Self-healing
  • Client Healing



– distance attunement via chi ball method
– manual
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self-development, etc
– certificate

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Angel Reiki, Level 1 – £50