Category: Angel Reiki Attunements


ELIXIRS REIKI : Level 2               Anyone can call upon the Ascended Masters, Archangels and planetary intelligence. The Elixirs I & II empowerments will strengthen your power to call and work with these beings of light. Your strength to infuse items (such as jewellery, oils, stones, water etc.) with …

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Angel Reiki, Master/Teacher (Level 3)

Angel Reiki Master/Teacher (Level 3)             The Angel Reiki System is a way to connect to the loving healing power of the angels and with the Reiki Source energy. Angel Reiki came about because the founder become aware that some students had some concerns with the source of Reiki and …

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Angel Reiki, Level 2

Angel Reiki, Level 2             The Angel Reiki System is a way to connect to the loving healing power of the angels and with the Reiki Source energy. Angel Reiki came about because the founder become aware that some students had some concerns with the source of Reiki and the …

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Ki Manna Reiki, Practitioner

Ki Manna Reiki

            Ki Manna Reiki – Practitioner Ki Manna Reiki uses a special, powerful symbol that can be used to open the heart center, connect with star energies, improve psychic abilities, heal across time, and more. You’ll learn how to use the symbol with the 11 master number frequencies, and how …

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Elixirs Reiki, Level 1

Aura Painting Reiki—Healing & Success Empowerment

                  Anyone can call upon the Ascended Masters, Archangels and planetary intelligence. The Elixirs I & II empowerments will strengthen your power to call and work with these beings of light. Your strength to infuse items (such as jewellery, oils, stones, water etc.) with the energy of …

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Angel Reiki, Level 1

ANGEL REIKI, LEVEL 1             Angels are both a manifestation of the power of God as well as personifications of that power. Most angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked. Guardian Angels are always with us, The Archangels take particular interest in humans, and assisting and strengthening …

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Angel Light Initiation Reiki

Angels are beings of light and act as messengers to help us raise our understanding and consciousness to the higher realms. This attunement will raise your vibration to a higher level and allow you to communicate with them easier. There are 4 parts to the Angel Light Initiation that are completed as one. – The …

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Angel Reiki For Children

A lovely Attunement to 20 Angels for helping and guiding children in their personal development. Can help with issues in children such as: fear of separation fear of darkness parent issues Loneliness hypersensitivity and many more….. Also includes recommendations for semi-precious stones and colours to soothe childrens’ souls. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE: – distance attunement …

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Angel Stones Empowerment Reiki

The Angel Stone system, founded by Ole Gabrielsen, the founder of many powerful energy systems, including Kundalini Reiki, Orb of Life, Telos, Ethereal Crystals (you can find these in the links at the side) and many more! The founder says: “When wearing an Angel Stone, a special assigned angel is constantly in your energy field, …

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Angelic Empowerments Reiki

The Angelic Empowerments are designed to assist you to connect more strongly with the energies of the Angelic Realm and to prepare your physical body and energy system for deeply connected individual work with the angels. The following connections are included in the empowerments: Connection with ~ your Guardian Angel ~First Triad of the Celestial …

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