Blue Star Reiki: Level 2, Master/Teacher

High Energy Healing Reiki - Headaches & Migraines

Blue Star Master

BLUE STAR REIKI : Level 2, Master/Teacher

Founders: John Williams & Gary Jirauch : 2004

Please note:  As this is a High Vibrational system of Reiki  you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement




This is an advanced healing system that comes from the Pleiades star system and was used in ancient Egypt. It was channeled by John Williams in 1995 and then further developed with Gary Jirauch.

This system is “a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God and man – The Rainbow Bridge – enabling the adept to utilize this potential and to function at expanded levels of awareness”.

A strong sense of balance between mind and heart is the key to manifesting with the Blue Star energy, which is said to be the vehicle for bringing peace and planetary healing as fast as it can happen.

There are two attunements that include seven practitioner and seven master symbols, plus there are several meditations and spiritual growth exercises found in the manual.

Level Two (Master Level), gives the student the ability to teach and transmit the energies of the Blue Star Reiki, This Level is available only to current Reiki Masters (Usui, Shamballa, Karuna®, Tera Mai)

Subjects covered in the Master Level:

Blue Star Celestial Energy Master Symbols
Manifesting with Blue Star Celestial Energy
Integrating Blue Star Celestial Energy with the chakras & the planets
Triangulation Exercise
Personal Symbol Exercise
Advanced Mer-Ka-Ba Breathing Technique
Performing Blue Star Celestial Energy Attunements
Miscellaneous Meditations

– distance attunements
– Blue Star Reiki Master Level 2 manual
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
– certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Blue Star Reiki Master – £39