Category: Animal Empowerment Reiki Attunements

Ma’heo’o Reiki level 1

Energy Psychology Reiki

Ma’heo’o Reiki, Level 1               Ma’heo’o is Cheyenne (a Native American language) for Great Spirit, Great One  or God. Ma’heo’o Reiki combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively activate and promote healing in the human condition. This system is simple yet …

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Owl Reiki Empowerment

The owl is a mystical bird and is associated with the qualities of clairvoyance, astral projection, magic, intuition, courage and warrior. It has great intuition and the courage to follow its instincts. Owl is always a truth seeker When you have lost your way, owl essence will guide you back to your proper path and …

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Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki

The Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki attunement connects you to Spirit, strengthens your abilities in animal communication and understanding, and works to help you with ascension in the area of animals and nature. This attunement also helps with healing both yourself and animals. Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki helps animals to cross over when it is time, …

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Tiger Reiki Attunement

Tiger Reiki was initially channeled by Korey Long. The initial energy was used by “intent” only (no symbols or manual). The system has recently been expanded to include the symbols and other practices. According to the founder, Tiger Reiki “helps to balance those who work with it as well as those receiving it. It is …

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Unicorn Energy Healing Reiki

The Unicorn Healing System is a wonderful and pure energy. The system introduces you mystical, secret and unique nature of the Unicorns. You will be attuned to their beautiful and pure energies. Unicorns have very mystic natures and are very magical. Symbolically they represent the innocence, purity and love of the heart. The Unicorn’s horn …

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Bear Medicine Reiki

Bear medicine is a very feminine energy that speaks of power, dreamtime and the world of the unconscious. Bears appear to be slow and plodding going on their solitary way. Actually they are studious and cautious. People with Bear as a totem are often inventors and scholars. Bear’s Wisdom Includes: Introspection • Healing • Solitude …

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Bear Empowerment Reiki Attunement

The bear is an important power animal and can greatly help you in your spiritual path and healing sessions. This energy “gives insight, brings in new energies, and is loving and protective.” In this totem animal Reiki system, you will learn about the different types of bears and how to access various types of bear …

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Dolphin Trilogy Reiki Attunement

Dolphin Trilogy Reiki evolved from Dolphin Reiki, a reiki system created by Mark Scott This wonderful system of Reiki uses the love and wisdom of the dolphins and orcas to heal the mind and the spirit. It is particularly effective at helping with emotional problems such as addictions, depression, and feelings of being separate; or …

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One Spirit Shaman Reiki

One Spirit is a very powerful healing energy. It uses your heart, unconditional love and symbols. One Spirit takes you on a sacred journey inside yourself so that you can delve deeper beneath the surface and see your true self in all its majesty. Within all of us there are Animal Totems who protect our …

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