Ma’heo’o Reiki, Level 2 Ma’heo’o Reiki is a new form of Reiki healing that does not rely exclusively on Tibetan or Sanskrit teachings but rather takes a more Earth-based approach to healing. It is a system complete to itself but is comparable to traditional Reiki in that, both …
Category: Spiritual Reiki Attunements
May 19
Ma’heo’o Reiki level 1
Ma’heo’o Reiki, Level 1 Ma’heo’o is Cheyenne (a Native American language) for Great Spirit, Great One or God. Ma’heo’o Reiki combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively activate and promote healing in the human condition. This system is simple yet …
May 18
ASTRAL STAR REIKI, MASTER/TEACHER ASTRAL STAR REIKI, Levels 3 & 4, MASTER/TEACHER LEVEL PRE-REQUISITE: Astral Star Reiki Practitioner Astral Star – the energy removing blocking from a light body, lighting internal light and coming into internal contact with the astral world. Channelled from Ascended Master Kuthumi, this …
May 18
Ki Manna Reiki, Master/Teacher
Ki Manna Reiki, Master/Teacher Ki Manna is a key that unlocks a doorway to this world, other parallel worlds and dimensions. Working with the Ki Manna symbol in alternative healing enhances, heals and supports all other healing methods. This symbol fills in the gaps that other modalities have in their wisdom and healing. Working with …
May 18
Ki Manna Reiki, Practitioner
Ki Manna Reiki – Practitioner Ki Manna Reiki uses a special, powerful symbol that can be used to open the heart center, connect with star energies, improve psychic abilities, heal across time, and more. You’ll learn how to use the symbol with the 11 master number frequencies, and how …
Jan 30
Attraction Reiki : Level 1, 2 and 3
ATTRACTION REIKI : Levels I, II and III Attraction Reiki is a new energy system that combines Reiki with the Law of Attraction helps you to “magnetize” yourself and strengthen your aura to enable you to draw whatever you want in life — money, love, opportunities and much more. There are three levels to this …
Jan 30
Attraction Reiki : Level III, Attraction
ATTRACTION REIKI : Level 3, Attraction Attraction Reiki is a new energy system that combines Reiki with the Law of Attraction helps you to “magnetize” yourself and strengthen your aura to enable you to draw whatever you want in life — money, love, opportunities and much more. There are three levels to this system with …
Jan 30
Stellar Light Reiki
Stellar Light Reiki Founder : Roselyn Watson – 2021 Stellar Light Reiki uses the energy vibration of three major constellations to assist with healing The energy of the Stars is a gentle but high vibrational, loving, energy that is very beneficial in healing sessions. Stellar Light has many excellent properties, the most important of which …
Jan 13
Inner Sun Reiki Attunement
Inner Sun Reiki combines and teaches several schools of thought from Usui Reiki, GTummo, Kundalini and others. Below are the outlines of the four manuals you will receive: Inner Sun Beginner’s Manual HAND POSITIONS THE STANDARD SET OTHER HAND POSITION SETS: CHAKRA BALANCING ACUPOINT BASED HAND POSITION SET SELF-HEALING WORKING WITH CLIENTS: THE HEALING SESSION …
Jan 13
Soul Mate Reiki
Are you longing for “The One”? Whether you believe that everyone has just one soulmate or many, Soulmate Reiki is a beautiful, simple system to connect soulmates together. This system can also be used for non-romantic soulmate relationships (such as with friends or loved ones). This is a one-level system that includes one soulmate symbol. …