Category: Spiritual Reiki Attunements

Orb Of Life Reiki Attunement

The Orb of Life was initially founded by Ole Gabrielsen who brought forward Kundalini Reiki. The Orb of Life is an etheric energy ball that consists of very concentrated, high frequency life force. The orb is not a physical object but made of pure energy. It acts as an antenna for life force and keeps …

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Violet Light Reiki Attunement

“Violet Light Reiki is a revision of the popular Violet Flame Reiki as founded by Ivy Moore. This revision of the original includes techniques from the essence of the Violet Flame itself, as well as changes to the symbols, attunement processes, self healings and history of the Violet Flame. The founder of Violet Light reiki …

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Ethereal Flowers Reiki Attunement

This is a lovely gentle attunement that will teach you how to make powerful flower remedies in seconds. Through attunement you gain access to a specific flower’s energy and can channel it by intention. These are the same flowers that are used in the Bach Flower Essences. Ethereal Flowers I You are attuned to the …

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Phoenix Rising Reiki Attunement

The Phoenix Rising Reiki was founded and channelled by Linda Colibert. The phoenix represents rising above life’s challenges and circumstances whether this is financial, relationships and health etc. This beautiful bird of Myth and Magic is generally seen in the colors of red, golden yellow, and sometimes the Phoenix will have a slight tint of …

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Waterfall Healing Reiki

Waterfall Healing Reiki is a healing system that works to both help heal the body, mind, and spirit, and also to clear, remove illness, pain, and can be used to help shrink, remove and reverse various tumors, cancers, disease, etc. Keep in mind that everyone is different and that results may vary from person to …

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Excalibur Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement This Reiki system attunes you to the energy of Excalibur, the Sword of Truth. It is a powerful energy that will help you tap into the archetypal energies of Merlin and the Lady of the Light to heal and manifest. This …

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Psychic Reiki Attunement

This Reiki attunement is specifically for assisting with your psychic gifts. The Reiki Psychic Attunement helps increase awareness on all levels: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional, and helps open and expand your natural psychic abilities, as well as helping to clear the above mentioned bodies to allow your natural psychic talents to surface. This attunement …

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White Dove Reiki Attunement

Although there are many forms of Reiki, White Dove Reiki enables the Reiki Practitioner to have assistance in the Healing and Attunement process. While most Reiki Masters use different modalities to focus the energies during healings and attunements, White Dove Reiki enables the individual to have a central focal point in which to direct those …

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Gold Reiki Attunement

Gold Reiki Founder : Ole Gabrielsen Please note you will need to be a Kundalini Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Gold Reiki is a powerful healing modality.     It is an Advanced course, as it is a high vibrational Reiki, and for that reason is available only to people who have received the …

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Run Valdr (Runic Reiki) Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Run Valdr means Rune Power or Authority. Run Valdr was given to us by Mr. Rodney Cox. “Run Valdr Is based on the Norse Runes. Run Valdr is complete unto itself and does not rely in any way to other systems …

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