Gold Reiki Attunement

Gold Reiki

Founder : Ole Gabrielsen

Please note you will need to be a Kundalini Reiki Master to receive this Attunement

Gold Reiki is a powerful healing modality.



It is an Advanced course, as it is a high vibrational Reiki, and for that reason is available only to people who have received the Kundalini Reiki Master attunements.

This form of energy work utilizes the Gold Ray, considered to be the strongest light of transformation in the Universe.

It transmutes darkness into light and fear or sadness into joy.

The Gold Ray has several qualities that can be used in order to focus healing energies on a person.

The first attribute relates to purification.  Because this is a very pure form of energy it can easily move into a person and raise their vibration to bring healing.

The second attribute is that it can transform darkness and fear.  It can move these with its energy source into forms of light and happiness inside a person.  It can help with phobias, depression and many other similar issues.

Gold Reiki transmutes fear and darkness into light and joy! Gold Light is the strongest light of transformation in the physical universe!

 You can use Gold Reiki as ordinary Reiki, alone or as a combination.
There is a 20-page manual  covering:What is Gold Reiki

History of Gold Reiki

Benefits of Gold Reiki



Consultation form

Contra-actions /Aftercare advice


Method of Healing others

Distance Healing

Disconnecting and Grounding

Passing on Attunements:

  • In person
  • Distance

Attuning Objects


You need to leave at least 5 days between Gold Reiki 1 and 2, and the same between 2 and 3.
Each attunement takes approx. 25 minutes.
You will receive 3 attunements, a certificate and 20-page manual
– Three distance attunements – by chi ball and audio attunement
– 20 page manual
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self-development, etc
– certificate
PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email
Gold Reiki – £39