Ki Manna Reiki, Master/Teacher

Ki Manna Reiki, Master/Teacher

Dubhe Star Essence

Ki Manna is a key that unlocks a doorway to this world, other parallel worlds and dimensions.

Working with the Ki Manna symbol in alternative healing  enhances, heals and supports all other healing methods.

This symbol fills in the gaps that other modalities have in their wisdom and healing.

Working with this energy will take  Reiki and other healing modalities into an even more powerful healing stage of their evolution.

Even though it is not a part of the traditional Reiki or Seichim, this symbol can be used with Reiki Second Degree and Seichim First Degree to enhance and take these modalities into the new millennium.

In the last few years we have experienced many energy shifts. These energy shifts have helped us become more open and aware of our true existence. This healing modality helps us to unite and awaken with these  energy shifts and allows our true potential as “beings of light” to emerge.

There are two levels of Ki Manna – Practitioner and Master/Teacher.  If you have completed the Practitioner level and are ready to progress then this is the course for you.

This Master/Teacher Level course  includes:

  • The Ki Manna Symbols
  • Manifestation
  • Ki Manna and Lightwork
  •             Method 3
  •             Method 4
  • Past Lives and Parallel Lives
  • Ki Manna Touch : Massage 2
  • Distance Healing
  • Ki Manna Meditation 2
  • Attunements
    • In person, Level 1
    •  In person, Master/Teacher
    • Distance


– distance attunement
– manual
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self-development, etc
– certificate

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy on to others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Ki Manna Reiki Practitioner – £40