Kundalini Reiki : Level 3, Master/Teacher

Kundalini Reiki  – Level 3 : Master/Teacher Level

To learn Kundalini Reiki you must begin with Kundalini Reiki Level 1 even if you are a Master in another form of Reiki.

Pre-requisite:  You must have completed Kundalini Level 2 before receiving the Kundalini Reiki Level 3 course.

Kundalini is an amazing healing technique that is simple to use.

Kundalini Reiki is possibly the simplest form of healing and self-development system that exists!

By opening and strengthening the energy channels of the body, it is possible to channel healing Reiki energy to yourself and others, just by intention

Your attunements open and strengthen the energy channels in your body. This enables Reiki energy to flow through your body and release any energy blockages.

Kundalini awakening starts at the Base Chakra which is the entrance for the Kundalini Energy. After entering the body the energy runs up through the main energy channel and exits through the Crown Chakra. When your Kundalini is opened a complete cleansing of the chakras and energy channels will occur over a period of time.

Kundalini Reiki is similar to the traditional systems of Reiki, but once your Kundalini has been awakened in this safe manner your Reiki Healing abilities will be much improved.

If people have previously had problems with a Kundalini Awakening, a Kundalini Reiki treatment can often help. When you have your Kundalini awakened through Kundalini Reiki your Chakras are opened from the base to the Crown so Kundalini energy is released through the Crown chakra and there can be no build-up of energy.

Each of these attunements strengthens the previously received attunements: Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3.

With each step all chakras, the main energy channel and the channels to the hands are widened and strengthened.

After Kundalini Reiki 3, your power to channel Reiki will have been increased approximately 100%

Kundalini Level 3 includes:

  • Principles of and Procedure for:
    • Diamond Reiki
    • Crystalline Reiki
    • DNA Reiki
    • Birth Trauma Reiki
    • Location Reiki
    • Past Life Reiki
    • Balance
  • Treatment Routine
  • Kundalini Reiki Master symbol
  • Attuning others to Kundalini Reiki
  • Distance Attunements
  • Attuning Objects
  • Kundalini Boosters
  • Lineage


– distance attunement – by Chi Ball and audio attunement
– Kundalini Level 3 manual
– Kundalini Level 3 certificate

This course is Accredited by :

  • Complementary Therapy Association
  • International Practitioners of  Holistic Medicine
  • International Association of Therapists

PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Kundalini Reiki 3 – £79