Mayan Reiki, Level 2

Mayan Reiki, Level 2

Mayan Reiki Master Training

Mayan Reiki Master Training






Traditional Mayan healing was and is done with the use of herbs and hands-on massage therapy. A thousand years ago the herbalist was highly respected and the school of thought, highly developed. Don Eiligo Panti, of Belize is one of the world’s last great herbalists. Much of his work has been passed on to his student, Rosita Arvigo.

The Spiritualist is thought of as the highest order and most powerful of Shamans.

When the Mayan civilization was at its peak, shaman would do hands-on healing by using the gods and goddess s as guides to assist them in finding trouble spots on the patient’s body,  aura, or spirit. They would feel temperature differences in the body and target these sights for the healing force. They believed, and modern Mayans believe that there is a Universal Life Force which is in all things.

This course explores traditional Usui Reiki with a slant on the Mayan culture and Shamanism,  as written by Reverends Dennis and Fern Alexander. Both are graduates of The New Mexico Seminary, Santa Fe. Dennis received his degree in ancient religions. His Thesis was on the Mayan Religion. Dennis lived with the Mayan people for three years as their doctor, where he studied and learned from various shaman. He also is a Mayan Shaman.

I am purifying and transforming myself, igniting my light body, healing all separation. I open as conduit to the Universal Life Force, beaming It to heal the World.

Dennis Alexander 2000

This course is Mayan Reiki Level 2, Practitioner Level. and you need to have already been attuned to Mayan Reiki level 2 before receiving these attunements  


– distance attunements via chi ball method
– 13 page manual
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self-development, etc
– certificate

PLUS – Take Level 3 and you can pass this wonderful energy on to others!!

All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email

Mayan Reiki Level 2 – £30