Tag: Healing Reiki

Ma’heo’o Reiki level 1

Energy Psychology Reiki

Ma’heo’o Reiki, Level 1               Ma’heo’o is Cheyenne (a Native American language) for Great Spirit, Great One  or God. Ma’heo’o Reiki combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively activate and promote healing in the human condition. This system is simple yet …

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Celtic Reiki : Levels 1, 2 and 3

  Celtic Reiki : Levels 1, 2 and 3 Founder: Martyn Pentecost (Manuals created by Pamela Jordan of Enchanted Earth, 2003) This lovely form of Reiki was created by Martyn Pentecost. It uses the ancient druidic alphabet symbols and in essence is in tune with the frequency of various trees and plants so as to …

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Celtic Reiki : Level 3 : Master/Teacher

Celtic Reiki : Level 3 Founder: Martyn Pentecost (Manual from Pamela Jordan of Enchanted Earth 2003) This lovely form of Reiki was created by Martyn Pentecost. It uses the ancient druidic alphabet symbols and in essence is in tune with the frequency of various trees and plants so as to work in accordance with channeled …

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Celtic Reiki : Level 2

Celtic Reiki : Level 2 Founder: Martyn Pentecost (Manual from Pamela Jordan of Enchanted Earth 2003) This lovely form of Reiki was created by Martyn Pentecost. It uses the ancient druidic alphabet symbols and in essence is in tune with the frequency of various trees and plants so as to work in accordance with channeled …

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Blue Star Reiki: Level 2, Master/Teacher

High Energy Healing Reiki - Headaches & Migraines

BLUE STAR REIKI : Level 2, Master/Teacher Founders: John Williams & Gary Jirauch : 2004 Please note:  As this is a High Vibrational system of Reiki  you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement       This is an advanced healing system that comes from the Pleiades star system and …

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Kundalini Reiki : Level 3, Master/Teacher

Kundalini Reiki  – Level 3 : Master/Teacher Level To learn Kundalini Reiki you must begin with Kundalini Reiki Level 1 even if you are a Master in another form of Reiki. Pre-requisite:  You must have completed Kundalini Level 2 before receiving the Kundalini Reiki Level 3 course. Kundalini is an amazing healing technique that is …

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Kundalini Reiki – Level 2, Practitioner Level

Kundalini Reiki  – Level 2 : Practitioner Level To learn Kundalini Reiki you must begin with Kundalini Reiki Level 1 even if you are a Master in another form of Reiki. Pre-requisite:  You must have completed Kundalini Level 1 before receiving the Kundalini Reiki Level 2 course. Kundalini is an amazing healing technique that is …

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Attraction Reiki : Level 1, 2 and 3

ATTRACTION REIKI  : Levels I, II and III Attraction Reiki is a new energy system that combines Reiki with the Law of Attraction helps you to “magnetize” yourself and strengthen your aura to enable you to draw whatever you want in life — money, love, opportunities and much more. There are three levels to this …

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Attraction Reiki : Level III, Attraction

ATTRACTION REIKI  : Level 3, Attraction Attraction Reiki is a new energy system that combines Reiki with the Law of Attraction helps you to “magnetize” yourself and strengthen your aura to enable you to draw whatever you want in life — money, love, opportunities and much more. There are three levels to this system with …

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Attraction Reiki : Level 2, Intention

ATTRACTION REIKI  : Level II, Intention Attraction Reiki is a new energy system that combines Reiki with the Law of Attraction helps you to “magnetize” yourself and strengthen your aura to enable you to draw whatever you want in life — money, love, opportunities and much more. There are three levels to this system with …

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