Tag: healing symbols

Gold Reiki Attunement

Gold Reiki Founder : Ole Gabrielsen Please note you will need to be a Kundalini Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Gold Reiki is a powerful healing modality.     It is an Advanced course, as it is a high vibrational Reiki, and for that reason is available only to people who have received the …

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One Spirit Shaman Reiki

One Spirit is a very powerful healing energy. It uses your heart, unconditional love and symbols. One Spirit takes you on a sacred journey inside yourself so that you can delve deeper beneath the surface and see your true self in all its majesty. Within all of us there are Animal Totems who protect our …

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Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki

The Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki attunement connects you to Spirit, strengthens your abilities in animal communication and understanding, and works to help you with ascension in the area of animals and nature. This attunement also helps with healing both yourself and animals. Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki helps animals to cross over when it is time, …

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Angel Light Initiation Reiki

Angels are beings of light and act as messengers to help us raise our understanding and consciousness to the higher realms. This attunement will raise your vibration to a higher level and allow you to communicate with them easier. There are 4 parts to the Angel Light Initiation that are completed as one. – The …

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