Ki Manna Reiki – Practitioner Ki Manna Reiki uses a special, powerful symbol that can be used to open the heart center, connect with star energies, improve psychic abilities, heal across time, and more. You’ll learn how to use the symbol with the 11 master number frequencies, and how …
Tag: reike
May 18
Angel Reiki, Level 1
ANGEL REIKI, LEVEL 1 Angels are both a manifestation of the power of God as well as personifications of that power. Most angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked. Guardian Angels are always with us, The Archangels take particular interest in humans, and assisting and strengthening …
May 18
Elixirs Reiki, Level 1
Anyone can call upon the Ascended Masters, Archangels and planetary intelligence. The Elixirs I & II empowerments will strengthen your power to call and work with these beings of light. Your strength to infuse items (such as jewellery, oils, stones, water etc.) with the energy of …
Jan 13
Angelic Empowerments Reiki
The Angelic Empowerments are designed to assist you to connect more strongly with the energies of the Angelic Realm and to prepare your physical body and energy system for deeply connected individual work with the angels. The following connections are included in the empowerments: Connection with ~ your Guardian Angel ~First Triad of the Celestial …
Jan 13
Divine Light Reiki Attunement
Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Divine Light Reiki is a system based on the Japanese system Jōrei, or Johrei, that was developed in the early 20th century by Mokichi Okada, founder of the Church of World Messianity. It is a wonderful system of spiritual healing whose …
Jan 13
Imara Reiki Attunement
Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Imara Reiki is a Reiki of a higher vibration energy level than most common Reiki modalities, and the method will only work in the full strength if you are decently attuned to it. In some aspects, the healing energy of Reiki …
Jan 13
Sacred Breath Reiki
We all need to breathe on a physical level in a physical world. however, the sacred breath is much more than that. It is the correct breathing pattern to bring about balance of body, mind, and spirit. Sacred Breathing gives the ability to heal ourselves in a natural and simple thing. This is a lovely …
Jan 13
Universal Rays Reiki Attunement
The Universal Rays are a series of seven attunements that correspond to the Chakra System. Each ray is brought forth by an ascended master who serves as a guardian of the higher lesson of that realm. This system was channeled by Dawn Rothwell, founder of Reiki Rays Institute. The Universal Rays are not a system …
Jan 13
Angelic Senses Reiki
This Angelic Senses distant Reiki attunement helps to strengthen your contact with the Angels. Teaching you to be more open and trusting of the angelic realm. Helps to increase sensitivity towards being aware of and feeling angelic energy. Includes an inner guidance meditation and 5 symbols. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE: – distance empowerment – manual …
Jan 13
DNA Healing Attunement
DNA Healing Reiki is an easy but powerful system of reiki. It teaches a single powerful symbol that is used during energy healing to bring about healing at a fundamental level. It has been useful to help conditions such as ~Fybromyalgia ~ Chronic Fatigue ~ MS and many more WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE BY EMAIL: …