Tag: Reiki Master

Money Seed Reiki Attunement

You should be a Reiki Master to receive this attunement. Each time a penny is charged up with the Money Seed energy, it makes the penny “worth” more than its face value. I cannot guarantee a specific dollar amount, such as $100 per each penny, but just imagine that it represents more, whatever feels comfortable …

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Blue Star Reiki : Level 1, Practitioner

BLUE STAR REIKI : Level 1, Practitioner Founders: John Williams & Gary Jirauch : 2004 Please note:  As this is a High Vibrational system of Reiki  you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement     This is an advanced healing system that comes from the Pleiades star system and was …

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Karmic Auric Reiki

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement by Martyn Pentecost Karmic Auric Reiki is a highly effective form based on the techniques of Usui Reiki or traditional Reiki. Karmic Auric Reiki is different in that it deals with issues such as negative karma, and life experiences from all …

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Chakra Healing Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in …

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Divine Light Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Divine Light Reiki is a system based on the Japanese system Jōrei, or Johrei, that was developed in the early 20th century by Mokichi Okada, founder of the Church of World Messianity. It is a wonderful system of spiritual healing whose …

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Empowerment Reiki Attunement

Astral Travel Reiki Empowerment

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Empowerment Reiki is a special Reiki system designed to help Reiki Masters step into their power as a powerful spiritual being and contributor to the planet. Therefore, unlike many Reiki systems, you will not learn this system in one or even …

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Excalibur Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement This Reiki system attunes you to the energy of Excalibur, the Sword of Truth. It is a powerful energy that will help you tap into the archetypal energies of Merlin and the Lady of the Light to heal and manifest. This …

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Gold Reiki Attunement

Gold Reiki Founder : Ole Gabrielsen Please note you will need to be a Kundalini Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Gold Reiki is a powerful healing modality.     It is an Advanced course, as it is a high vibrational Reiki, and for that reason is available only to people who have received the …

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Golden Triangle Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement This system was developed and founded by Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master James J. Purner. This energy is connected to the Goddess Isis and is a high frequency energy. The Golden Triangle is a special spiritual technique that can be used …

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Green Tara Seichem Reiki Attunement

Please note you will need to be a Reiki Master to receive this Attunement Seichim, a word (pronounced “SAY-keem”) of unknown origin-but closely related to the ancient Egyptian word sekhem, which means life-force, or energy-is used to indicate a system of healing that many feel has ancient origins in Tibet. This practice is said to …

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